Post & Courier

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Charleston Animal Society announces $1 million challenge to make SC a no-kill state


How Charleston Animal Society’s ‘far-fetched’ idea could save lives statewide


[Charleston Animal Society] is celebrating the eighth successful year of its “No Kill Charleston” campaign and the fulfillment of a dramatically ambitious goal, especially for a shelter that takes in all animals from a region of the country where euthanasia rates run high. Read the full op-ed here

Increased pet adoptions make it one of the few fields to consider 2020 a successful year


More time at home in 2020 has meant more dogs and cats being adopted and brought home, according to those at South Carolina shelters.Adoptions at Pawmetto Lifeline, a nonprofit shelter in Irmo, have been taking place at a pace that is 15 to 20 pets per week more than last year on average, according to CEO [...]

Cat cafe partners with local organization to decrease euthanization rates in the state


Pounce Cat Cafe in downtown Charleston is one of the most successful cat cafes in America, acting as a foster-to-adopt location for cats from Charleston Animal Society and freeing resources so they can help animals from shelters outside Charleston. Read the full article here

How South Carolina’s animal shelters are grappling with pet overpopulation


Staff know to expect an influx of homeless animals, especially kittens, because dogs and cats typically have litters during summer months. Many communities, however, are struggling to cope.   Although nonprofit shelters like Charleston Animal Society and Dorchester Paws, as well as government-run shelters like [Columbia Animal Services] are facing challenges, South Carolina has made significant strides in [...]

Petco Foundation donates $400,000 to Charleston Animal Society’s No Kill South Carolina initiative


An animal welfare initiative that aims to end euthanasia of healthy, adoptable animals in the Palmetto State has received a $400,000 grant from the Petco Foundation. Click to read more at the Post & Courier

Charleston Animal Society hosts disaster preparedness training for animal control, welfare agencies


The No Kill South Carolina initiative aims to save animals' lives, and disaster planning is a big part of that. Charleston Animal Society and No Kill South Carolina hosted a disaster training for shelters, presented by the Humane Society of the United States.  Click here for the article

Post & Courier Spotlights No Kill South Carolina


The Post & Courier in Charleston featured No Kill South Carolina in an article on July 10, 2016. The article covered the NKSC movement and focused on challenges that state's shelter animals are facing each and every day. Click here to read the complete article.